Joined as a In-House designer to take care of the website design, campaigns in-house signage and guides, photography and much more.
Joined as a In-House designer to take care of the website design, campaigns in-house signage and guides, photography and much more.
Joined as a In-House designer to take care of the website design, campaigns in-house signage and guides, photography and much more.
Joined as a In-House designer to take care of the website design, campaigns in-house signage and much more.
B2B Brand Website
Created a organized and brand-cohesive Website on Wordpress to help Businesses sign up to the dealer program and sell the Custom Brand products on a wholesale base. This website also displays tutorials, guides and instructions I created previously.
Created a organized and brand-cohesive Website on Wordpress to help Businesses sign up to the dealer program and sell the Custom Brand products on a wholesale base. This website also displays tutorials, guides and instructions I created previously.
Created a organized and brand-cohesive Website on Wordpress to help Businesses sign up to the dealer program and sell the Custom Brand products on a wholesale base. This website also displays tutorials, guides and instructions I created previously.
Branding and Packaging
I joined at a time where the brand identity was at its weakest point. I was requested to review it and propose changes. However, the modernization needed to be really slight. The company had an already broad audience and a different look could affect sales.
I joined at a time where the brand identity was at its weakest point. I was requested to review it and propose changes. However, the modernization needed to be really slight. The company had an already broad audience and a different look could affect sales.
I joined at a time where the brand identity was at its weakest point. I was requested to review it and propose changes. However, the modernization needed to be really slight. The company had an already broad audience and a different look could affect sales.